Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

An Increase in Scamming?

he first time I was ever actually scammed was when I was in the Jamaa Township, probably looking for a buddy. It was the usual. People were chatting, trading, and, as always, there was someone exclaiming,"If you like me, go to my den!"

I spotted a white bunny with pale pink patterning and a flower behind one ear saying in all capitals," FASHION SHOW MY DEN! DONATIONS GO TO MY SIS IT'S HER BIRTHDAY!" she then continued on to say," THE PRIZE IS 1 RARE ITEM!!!"

I clicked on the person's player card. Sage565. A bit dubious, I logged a side account on too, and went to the person's den to investigate.

"oh hi!" the bunny chirped. "are you guys here for the fashion show?"

"Uhhh.. yes." I said, looking around her den. There was nothing to hint that she was rare. 
"well, to start off, just send me one rare for my sis." she said.

"PROMISE it's not a scam?" I asked, hoping to get something out of her.
"I cross my heart and promise." she responded. 

Hmm, interesting. I made my side account say," What if you don't have any rares?"

The bunny, not even the slightest bit fazed, replied," then just send a good item."

I transferred a not-very-valuable hat that looked vaguely like a blue flower inside an egg shell to my side and then sent it to the bunny. On my main account, I then sent Sage565 the previous day's RIM.
She paused for a moment after we sent them.

"Helllooo?" I asked, logging my side account out.

Suddenly, she exclaimed," HAHA, I SCAMMED YOU GUYS!" then promptly left. A bit stunned, even though I was expecting it, I pursued her into the Jamaa Township, where she was using the same technique. I exclaimed," SAGE565 IS A SCMMER! DON'T ATTEND HER 'FASHION SHOWS', UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE TRICKED!"

I then went around, telling all of my buddies and warning them. In hindsight, I'm glad that I sent her items, or else I wouldn't have been able to warn people who could be tricked more easily into sending her actually valuable items. 

Anyways, the scamming drama is constant. Just today, my good friend nafaria9 told me that her buddy, Mistybreeze472, was hacked! She apparently went to nafaria's den and told her that she had been hacked. The thing was, though, Mistybreeze was talking oddly, and her grammar was more careless then usual. 

Nafaria told me that she thought that Misty might have still been hacked, and the person pretending to be Misty was possibly trying to get nafaria to send her an item! 
And later, she saw an odd comment on numnum13's blog.

Nafaria and I think that it might be possible that 'hive309' had hacked Misty and was trying to get numnum to send items to Misty's account so that he or her could then send it to his or her main account.

Usually, in the Jamaa township, there are always people scamming, trading, and scamming some more. It's very sad. Is this what we want Animal Jam to be like? No.

Many people scam... I'd say 68% of Jamaa's population, unfortunately. Scammers are painfully common. 

We need this to stop. Now. 


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Eagle Shops and Floating Rabbits.

The party is VERY soon... at 7:00-8:30 Eastern Time, which is two hours ahead of Mountain Time, if that helps any. :3
H'llo, Jammers!
Today is update day, and also the day of the party, which is why I decided to post. Oh, and there's been a slight change; the party doesn't have a silver and gold theme anymore, as the items are too limited. D:
Instead, I'm just going to decorate my den, and the theme is a surprise!
Now nms can buy underwater dens, pets, AND furniture! Animal Jam really seems to be improving in terms of nonmember items!
 I should really go look at the eagle shop. I wonder why they'll have in it? Items to put on eagle's wings? There really should be a 'Wing Items' tab for when you're accessorizing your animals.
Why are so many animals going 'exploring' and not returning? I miss giraffes, and didn't really have the chance to get one. Maybe there's only so many animals that Animal Jam can have out at a time, so they send some animals on months-long 'expiditions,' only to have them be replaced by other animals time after time.
Aww, I hope that Greely's okay. :(
Maybe the eagles will be able to find him in the sky?
 And, above Coral Canyons, there are tons of white, puffy clouds, that eagles can walk on... and somehow, bunnies, wolves, and all of the other animals can as well, though I'm still trying to figure out how.
And here are the items for the shop. I like the pillars with flowers sprouting from between them, as well as the woven carpet. They're very colorful, and pretty as well.
The one thing I don't understand, though, is why AJHQ has a coat hanger for items that aren't rare selling for 750 gems, while a shelf with RIMs is selling for TWICE the amount of gems, and is members! Why can't there just be one clothing rack? It would make more sense.
Oh, and for a side topic about real life: there was a huge blizzard-like winter storm coming a week ago, so we rushed to the store and got supplies and food before the roads turned to a sheet of ice; literally!
It was like a slippery, shiny white carpet! :D
(And don't forget to attend the party!)

Monday, March 3, 2014

RIM- Rare Blanket

Reminder: the party is next Friday, from 7:00-8:30 Eastern Time. :)
Hallo! (I'm going to come up with a new greeting soon. 'Hallo' is Alsatian, and means 'hello.' I'm considering 'bonjour'...)
Today my school is cancelled, so I let myself post a bit late--- it's snowing sheets outside, as if it's raining flour, and all of the grass has snow clinging to it.
I couldn't go to bed for a while last night because the snow plows were making an awful rucus, and I had a very odd dream... but we'll get to that after I talk about the RIM.
Today's Rare Item Monday is the swirly purple-and-pink Rare Blanket. It looks kind of like a sheet, so I was curious to see what it would look like on an animal.
Hmm, it looks more like a small cape. Cute!
It's kind of pricey for a cape though... 850 gems! Hmm, maybe it's made of silk and imported from somewhere exotic. Then the price would make sense. ;)
Oh, it seems that AJHQ made a deer drawing and placed it in the Lost Temple of Zios! Notice the patch of mud with a silver of blue under it's feet... it looks kind of like the hot springs in Mt. Shiveer! Maybe AJHQ really did blend the backgrounds!
And I like the fur color--- it looks a bit like the glitched color that my cheetah used to have, that I accidentally got rid of... :'(
Anyways, for the side topic, I had a dream that I was sitting on a white, fluffy beanbag in my basement, tapping my phone absentmindedly, when suddenly these two oddly familiar people emerged from the hallway and started chatting to me about something that I forget... Then my beanbag morphed into a rocket chair and began to float me away, but I stopped because one of them told me to wait and continued to talk to me about the topic. I kind of remember something about dinosaurs..? Afterwards, I kind of floated towards the stairs in my chair, then suddenly the image of myself cut out and it was raining photographs....
Very vague and weird, I know, but that's all that I can remember. o.o
I felt a bit like Alice in Wonderland, because the dream was so peculiar. Have you ever had one of those dreams that's kind of frightening because it makes so little sense?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

7,000 Views Party!

Should I have another contest? I'm horrible at them, but I could try. :3
I'm sorry I've been gone FOREVER... I'm still not very interested in Animal Jam, but I'll try my best to post more often for the few that still read this. ^.^
Anyways, on a happier note, I put together a few pictures for my Views Party! 
Please attend if you can! Now for today's item...
The 2-D looking Clover Patch. O.O
It doesn't look like a very comfortable place to sit either--- the clovers look kind of like plastic. 
Anyways, four-leafed clovers are considered lucky because they're rare... there are 10,000 three-leaf clovers for every four-leaf clover. There aren't any clover plants that naturally produce clovers with four leafs, so they're seldom found.
Each leaf is said to represent something: faith, hope, love, and luck.
Have you ever found a four-leaf clover? I bet you'll never think of it the same way again. ;)
 There's also a new party: the Lucky Party. One word to describe it would be GREEN. There are clovers strewn everywhere, and everything is green, green, green!
While there, you can get several (green) St. Patrick's Day-themed items to spice up your den.
Here is a picture of some of the party:
Very... green, isn't it? And there's even green flooring! XD
The chipper Happy-Go-Lucky music is also sold. It sounds very Scottish, with bagpipes and possibly even a fiddle.
An assortment of interesting items are sold. Wait... can it be? Is that a BROWN bench?! *falls backwards off chair*
Anyways, be sure to enjoy the new items, especially the lucky four-leafed clovers. :3