Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Furry Hat & Hot Cocoa Hut Items

Hallo, Jammers! ^.^
It's supposed to snow today! :D I think there's a 90% chance of precipitation, or something, and the temperature's really low. Anyways, I'm overjoyed! \o/

Today's new item (which I feel suspiciously like I've seen before o3o) is the fluffy, warm...

... Furry Hat, in the Hot Cocoa Hut! Can't say I like this item that much- it's really bulky and cumbersome, plus it's member. The price is alright, though.
Sadly, I doubt we'll get to see another new item in the Hot Cocoa Hut anytime soon. :c

Oh, and speaking of that- has anyone noticed the neat little items in the Hot Cocoa Hut?

Those look like spears with jewels for tips, or something. o.o I can just imagine someone saying," Get your piping hot cocoa with a side of spear!" Useful for stabbing someone, but not so much in a hot cocoa shop.

Herbs! ^o^ I wonder if those are to put in the hot cocoa, or if Cosmo left them there for some reason? Or maybe that's even what the hot cocoa is made of! :o

Hot cocoa beans labeled 'SRI,' which stands for AJHQ's company, Smart Bomb Interactive.

Last but not least, a small table with a bowl of whipped cream and marshmallows! If AJHQ were to ever do a hot cocoa theme, which I think they should, they could release this item in the Hot Cocoa Hut! :D

Oh, and has anyone noticed the excessive amount of exclamation marks that AJHQ uses on the Daily Explorer? I mean, just try to read this paragraph! >.<

Every single sentence has '!!!' as an ending! DX

On a brighter topic, Thanksgiving is coming up quickly! What are you guys doing to celebrate your Thanksgiving? c:



  1. I'm going to eat lots of pie ;D

  2. I don't celebrate thanksgiving even though I am American but I am planning to eat whatever left over stuffing and pecan pie there is.
    -Mod Gulo


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