Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Jamaaliday Decorating Tips

Hallo! ^.^

Today, I'm smushing some of my favorite Jamaaliday decoration tips together into a post! :p The result should be some festive and *hopefully* useful ideas for all of you. 

So, if you're interested, read on! ;D

Idea no.1: Cozy Fireplace

Nothing says 'Christmas' quite like curling up in front of the fireplace with a warm, frothy mug of cocoa! ^.^ So, why not replicate that Christmassey wonderfulness in the Animal Jam world?

Simply set down a fireplace of your choice. (I recommend the original, because it's authentic-looking and nonmember. c:) 

Place a fuzzy rug of some sort in front, surround it with pillows, plop down a Hot Cocoa Set- and, voila! You have the perfect little setup for chatting with buddies around a crackling fire. ^.^

Idea no.2: Pet Sleigh Ride

Want your pets to get in on the holiday fun? First, place a Pet Sled and move some of your fuzzy friends aboard. If you have a pet reindeer, position the little guy in front of the sled so that he can pull it. (:

Then, place a Frozen Pond beneath for a slippery skating surface. You can also put a Snow Cloud above to pelt down snowflakes for a nice, wintery look. :D 

I added the Pet Jamaaliday Tree, just to complete the look, but it's totally optional.

If you have more pets than I do (like basically any member XP), just buy several Frozen Ponds and line them up in a row! You can also choose to increase the amount of Snow Clouds. ^-^ Or, add more Pet Jamaaliday Trees to create a miniature forest!

Idea no.3: Dessert Bliss

The holiday season brings out the sweet tooth in us all. From gooey caramel cookies, to stocking stuffers that are almost entirely candy, the tastiness is EVERYWHERE! <3 

(Not that I'm complaining.)

So why not bring it to Animal Jam?

Place several chairs of your choice around a table. As my table, I sandwiched together two from the Ice Cream Parlor set! You've gotta be creative when you don't have a membership. (;

Next, place an item to munch on atop the table- I'd recommend the Hot Cocoa Set, but you can also use the Ice Cream Sundae if you're a member.

Then, set a rug of some sort beneath the chairs- I'd recommend the Snowflake Rug- and surround the scene with candy-related items! ^-^ And, ta-da: sweet tooth paradise.

My thoughts exactly, little rabbit. X3

Well, what did you think of the decoration tips? Should I do more in the future? I'm going to try to move away from the typical bland daily item posts.


1 comment:

  1. Cute ideas! Those ice cream parlor chairs look super cute with the hot cocoa set. ^.^


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