Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Thursday, December 18, 2014

20 Questions

NOTE: Feel free to participate in this fun activity by answering questions 1-10 or doing all of them! *gasp*

Favorite color? Turquoise, particularly. But lately I've been liking red and mocha a lot, too. o3o

Last food you ate? Some Italian 'crossini,' I think? They're like small pieces of toasted cracker flavored with a bit olive oil, and they're SOOO GOOD. Oh, and skim milk. :w:

Last time you were injured? Today, when I slid on the ground in gym shorts while playing four square. I skinned my knee pretty badly, but I didn't need to go to the nurse's or anything.

Have you ever had a near-death experience? Way too many times. I went in and out of the hospital lots as a kid because I always got sick or injured somehow- burns from scalding soup, pneumonia, severe dehydration. I just kinda had bad luck. X3

Favorite season? Spring.

What are you wearing right now? A dark green sweater that makes my eyes look weirdly greeney-blue and dark jeans.

Do you anger easily? Yep, but I've become good at pretending I'm not angry.

Food that everyone likes but you? Tons of foods, like tortillas and hamburgers. I can't stand most fast food, either. :p

Eye color? Blue, with weird green and hazel dilations.

Height? 5'0.

Do you know any language besides English? I know some Latin. Salve, mea est Edwingrim2. Ego est scribit laeti.

Would you rather receive a ring or a bouquet of roses as a gift? A bouquet of roses. <3

Favorite fruit? MANGO!

Favorite flavor of cake? Probably angel food cake.

Favorite type of cookie? Oatmeal chocolate chip.

Best memory from being younger (a toddler)? Mm, maybe sitting under my comforter blanket and watching the dust particles float around in the middle of the night (I was practically nocturnal). It was  a weird pastime, but I was an observant little kid and always noticed strange details.

Would you rather live in Alaska or Hawaii? Hawaii, definitely, because I love swimming in the ocean and the warm temperature. The sunsets there are also gorgeous. <3

Salty or spicy? Spicy.

Would you rather travel by plane or train? Train! Preferably in an old-fashioned one with wooden paneling and velvet seat cushions. And nice conductors who give you cookies. c:<

Rain or sun? RAIN. I LOVE THE RAIN SO MUCH, FOR SOME INEXPLICABLE REASON. I think it might be because it makes the air so humid and all of the birds come out and start chirping their heads off. Or maybe I just really like the sound of rain pattering on the roof.

Now, here's the blank form:

Favorite color?

Last food you ate?

Last time you were injured?

Have you ever had a near-death experience?

Favorite season?

What are you wearing right now?

Do you anger easily?

Food that everyone likes but you?

Eye color?


Do you know any language besides English?

Would you rather receive a ring or a bouquet of roses as a gift?

Favorite fruit?

Favorite flavor of cake?

Favorite type of cookie?

Best memory from being younger (a toddler)?

Would you rather live in Alaska or Hawaii?

Salty or spicy?

Would you rather travel by plane or train?

Rain or sun?

Good luck! ^---^


  1. Favorite color? - Green...or blue.

    Last food you ate? - Cucumber, Swedish bread (and butter) and a babybell.

    Last time you were injured? - Other than general cuts and scrapes, I can't really remember :P

    Have you ever had a near-death experience? - No, not really.

    Favorite season? - Oh, gosh, no idea. I love 'em all.

    What are you wearing right now? - Grey-brown corduroy trousers and a blue and white checked shirt.

    Do you anger easily? - Not more than average, I believe.

    Food that everyone likes but you? - It really depends on who made 'em, but I generally don't like chips or chocolate cake.

    Eye color? - Greenish.

    Height? - Five foot something. Around 165cm.

    Do you know any language besides English? - French, and *very* beginner Arabic and Spanish.

    Would you rather receive a ring or a bouquet of roses as a gift? - Roses o.o

    Favorite fruit? - I don't know. I like lots of fruits >:D

    Favorite flavor of cake? - Coffee and walnut.

    Favorite type of cookie? - A recipe my mum invented, with apricots and stuff in it ^.^

    Best memory from being younger (a toddler)? - I don't know...there isn't anything which really stands out for me.

    Would you rather live in Alaska or Hawaii? - I'd have a house in both places XD I really can't decide

    Salty or spicy? - Spicy!!

    Would you rather travel by plane or train? - I don't mind.

    Rain or sun? - Ditto XD

  2. Alrighty! Here it goes...

    Favorite color? Minty-green and most shades of purple.

    Last food you ate? Toffee. P:

    Last time you were injured? A nail torn open my new jeans and gave me a shallow cut on my leg. :c

    Have you ever had a near-death experience? Nope. None than I can think of, besides when I broke my right arm, but that wasn't "near death"...

    Favorite season? Winter. Summer is my second favorite, and the other two are in between. xD

    What are you wearing right now? A denim vest over a mustard-colored t-shirt and long, stretchy, Aztec-patterned leggings.

    Do you anger easily? ... Yes. o.e

    Food that everyone likes but you? SODA. BLECH! >.<

    Eye color? Blue-green that changes color depending on the amount of light where I am.

    Height? 5.6"

    Do you know any languages besides English? Yep, French and Spanish. :3

    Would you rather receive a ring or a bouquet of roses as a gift? Roses, since I don't typically wear jewelry, but I'd probably give the roses away, too. o3o

    Favorite fruit? Peaches, and lots of other fruits. :D

    Favorite flavor of cake? Chocolate, but I'm unusual and I think desserts are best when they're messed up. x3

    Favorite type of cookie? Snickerdoodle, I think.

    Best memory from being younger? The day on Christmas Eve when I couldn't fall asleep for like, 3 hours. :B

    Would you rather live in Alaska or Hawaii? Alaska. It's where pobies live, so that's where I live. >:)

    Salty or spicy? NEITHER. o-o

    Would you rather travel by plane or train? I don't care, really.

    Rain or sun? It depends on how I'm feeling.

  3. Favorite color? Changes every Thursday

    Last food you ate? PIZZA

    Last time you were injured? When I broke my arm and leg at the same time (long story)

    Have you ever had a near-death experience? Kind of...when I broke my arm and leg at the same time

    Favorite season? SUMMER

    What are you wearing right now? blue jeans and a green t-shirt

    Do you anger easily? YESSSSS

    Food that everyone likes but you? Cake

    Eye color? Green

    Height? 5 foot something

    Do you know any language besides English? Spanish and French

    Would you rather receive a ring or a bouquet of roses as a gift? Neither. I'd rather have a pie!

    Favorite fruit? Pineapple

    Favorite flavor of cake? I JUST SAID I HATE CAKE

    Favorite type of cookie? Snickerdoodle

    Best memory from being younger (a toddler)? Popping a soccer ball by accident

    Would you rather live in Alaska or Hawaii? HAWAII

    Salty or spicy? SPICY

    Would you rather travel by plane or train? Plane

    Rain or sun? SUN!

  4. Okay, hmmmmmm...

    Favorite color? Every color. I especially like bluish-grey, goldish-bronze and leafy green colors. :P

    Last food you ate? Peas.

    Last time you were injured? Hmm, well... a few days ago I was carrying a pencil and then I accidentally scraped my hand with it, and now I have a large scrape. But if you're talking about more major injuries, maybe when I tripped in the band room and went toppling into a giant pile of music stands which all fell down onto my forehead and gave me a weird injury.

    Have you ever had a near-death experience? Nooooo...

    Favorite season? Winter!

    What are you wearing right now? My coat, because I have a cold and I am cold.

    Do you anger easily? No, strangely. I hardly ever get angry. Except at my sister.

    Food that everyone likes but you? Chips, soda, mint, cake, ice cream.

    Eye color? Greenish-bluish.

    Height? I have no idea.

    Do you know any language besides English? I take Latin at school.

    Would you rather receive a ring or a bouquet of roses as a gift? Roses... c:<

    Favorite fruit? Ummm... MANGOES! :D

    Favorite flavor of cake? I donut like cake, but I do like doughnuts.

    Favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. Hehe I'm so boring.

    Best memory from being younger (a toddler)? At preschool, when I was twirling the lid of some toy teapot and making it spin like a top, these two other people named Elizabeth and something came up to me, and they were like, "HOW DO YOU DO THAT????" so I showed them, but they both totally failed and just ended up making the toy teapot lid slide across the tea-tray. It was so fun to watch them fail. C:<

    Would you rather live in Alaska or Hawaii? ALASKA x 100000

    Salty or spicy? Salty, I guess.

    Would you rather travel by plane or train? Plane. I love planes.

    Rain or sun? Rain!!

  5. Ok, I'll finally do one of these things. XD

    Favorite color?
    Aqua/cyan/turquoise/teal/Sky blue. (Get the point? XD)

    Last food you ate?
    Chocolate fudge brownie. >:P

    Last time you were injured?
    Hmm... I don't know if this really counts, but when my cat scratched and bit my neck as I held her. Eh whatever. X3

    Have you ever had a near-death experience?
    No.. Not really... Oh. Wait! A few years ago when I was at this beach place where I had to walk among giant rocks over this body of water, my foot slipped between 2 rocks so I kinda stumbled and it was very scary. O.O

    Favorite season?
    I like them all! But I'll say spring. Or summer. Maybe winter..? I'm not sure! XD

    What are you wearing right now?
    ... Blue Arizona jeans, green and white socks, pale orange and shite Charlotte Russe ( I think that's how it's spelled...) T-shirt, and a pink/orange sweat jacket.

    Do you anger easily?
    No, not really.

    Food that everyone like but you?
    Beans. Except jelly beans and green beans.

    Eye color?
    Brown. (I'm different here! XD)

    5'5" or 5'6". I really don't know anymore.

    Do you know any other language besides English?
    Well, I take Spanish in school. And I know some Hebrew. Heh.

    Would you rather receive a ring or a bouquet of roses as a gift?
    Probably roses. They're so pretty. c:

    Favorite fruit?
    Either strawberries, pineapple, grapes, or watermelon. I really like strawberries. Hmm... I don't know (as always!)

    Favorite flavor of cake?
    Chocolate cheesecake, most likely. (But there's so many different types of chocolate cheesecake...! :o)

    Favorite type of cookie?
    Hmm... Chocolate chip with the M&Ms or s'mores chocolate cookies. :3

    Best memory from being younger?
    Oh my gosh! There are SO many! Since I don't feel like taking 20 minutes here, I'll just say when my family and I got our dog, right after I turned 5 years old. (She was originally for my sister's birthday, though. No, my dog is still alive.)

    Would you rather live in Alaska or Hawaii?
    Alaska..? I never went to Hawaii (I want to though) but I went to Alaska. Like 10 years ago. Haha. I'm not 100% sure (AGAIN).

    Salty or spicy?
    I can't stand spicy foods, so I'm gonna go with salty.

    Would you rather travel by plane or train?
    Hmm... Plane... ?

    Rain or sun?
    In most cases, sun. (I usually can't stand rain. So... ugh. Except when it's like 95+ degrees outside, I guess.)

    Sorry my answers are so bad.


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