Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Butterfly Hair Bow & Plant-Headed People

Be sure to check out the "Animal Bios" page! LINK IS HERE.

Hallo, Jammers! ^.^

I just gobbled down some of a delicious coconut doughnut, so I'm in a pretty good mood. Plus, we're going to see a play later, so that should be fun. :3

Today's new item is the odd-ish Butterfly Hair Bow!

Um, okay, shouldn't it be called the 'Butterfly Fur Bow,' since animals technically don't have hair? Besides that teensy technical error, it's an okay item. :p Low pricing, and nonmember. ^-^

Anyways, time for a little ramble. I have a folder on my computer labeled 'Art' that I probably made 5-billion years ago. I was curious to know exactly why I thought it would be a good idea to accumulate a bunch of art-centered photos, so I clicked on it and....

.... o.o
People with plants for heads. Wow, lovely.

Also, I'm probably going to plan a party when I hit 100, 000 views. Would anyone come? :D


1 comment:

Hi, Jammers!
A few rules, before you decide to comment.
Pleeeease do NOT comment anything that is rude or offending, no bad language obviously, and try to make comments thoughtful.
Hopefully I don't sound too strict. ;)
Thanks for reading, and enjoy!