Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Monday, April 27, 2015

Rare Football Helmet & Old JAGs

Hallo, Jammers! ^-^

It's Monday today, which means another piteously bad RIM. Bleeergghhhh. >.< Introducing, the pastel green Rare Football Helmet at an overpriced 650 gems!

Oooh, and it's even member! I can just imagine people flocking to the Walmarts and frantically buying memberships, just to get their paws on this one item! How simply amazing, amirite? 


If you can't tell from all of my sarcastic drivel, I really don't like this item.

Anyways, I was rifling through a few of my old JAGs- and they make POSITIVELY NO SENSE.

You will be my what?!

What a lovely greeting. Very, er... empathetic.


Me too.


After cleaning out all of my random junky old JAGs, I only have 24. I only keep the ones that are important to me. c:

Has anyone else noticed the random eye at the Bunnies Only party, or is it just me? owo I wonder where the Bunnies Only party is even supposed to take place--- there's tin and these random spiderwebby lamps everywhere. And it's super dark. Maybe underground? :p



Hi, Jammers!
A few rules, before you decide to comment.
Pleeeease do NOT comment anything that is rude or offending, no bad language obviously, and try to make comments thoughtful.
Hopefully I don't sound too strict. ;)
Thanks for reading, and enjoy!