Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Things That Should Be Added to Animal Jam

Hallo, Jammers! ^.^

I've been a bit uninspired about posting lately >.< I think I'll just use this blog when the mood strikes me. This'll probably mean infrequent posts, so be prepared.

On an exciting note, there's been an enormous blizzard along the east coast, and I haven't had school for nearly two weeks! :D It's like winter break, but BETTER, because there's actually snow! :p

Now, onto the main topic of the post. I thought I'd talk about some features that would make AJ more fun- or at least more playable.

1. Pet Ladybugs

Seriously, why not? The ladybug is prominently featured in a lot of Animal Jam videos. I'm not sure why they haven't made it their mascot or something by this point.

2. Easily Accessible International Servers

This way, people of all different languages can mingle and become buddies. It'll give Jammers an opportunity to brush up on foreign languages, too. ^.^ There could also be a server where you type something in your native language and it translates into whatever language you set the translator to.

3. A new land.

It would be easy to expand the map, and there's plenty of room.

'Nuff said.

4. More things to do in Kimbara.

For some reason, this land totally flopped. Everyone avoids it as if it were infected with the plague (which isn't actually all too bad to get today, but still). Maybe add a theater, or a minigame that allows you to make some kind of themed food. ANYTHING.

5. More items in Treetop Gardens.

This is possibly my favorite shop. <3 Please, ADD MORE PLANTS.


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Thanks for reading, and enjoy!