Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

You guessed that my favorite flowers are roses, carnations, and tulips.
My favorite flowers are chrysanthemums, roses, and water lilies. So nafaria9, you guessed one of them; roses. (:
Anyways, today's item is the Tennis Racket.
It's kind of oddly shaped, if you've ever seen a racket. It looks like the tennis racket- maker badly needs a sander to smooth out the jagged sides. o.e
Anyways, it's kind of human-ey for Animal Jam, and useless too. I mean, you can't very well hit a ball with a tennis racket that's pre-attached to the ball. 
It would be nice if AJHQ could release a few items that actually work. Like, maybe a pet-washing machine like the one that we have located in Crystal Sands?
Well anyways, let's have a few examples of what people say on Animal Jam:
What's for everybody? Certainly not Animal Jam's items, when seventy percent of them are member!
And we want to know that you're "rich in rares" because....?
Anyways, I'll be tweaking the blog design a bit today, so be prepared for a few changes. :3
~Edwing- in the process of a signature.

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Hi, Jammers!
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Pleeeease do NOT comment anything that is rude or offending, no bad language obviously, and try to make comments thoughtful.
Hopefully I don't sound too strict. ;)
Thanks for reading, and enjoy!