Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Monday, August 4, 2014

Important Stuff

Soooo, I'm currently typing this up on my grandma's computer. Sorry if I make any typos, but the keys are more clunky then I'm used to :p
Anyways, if you didn't read my post before the last one, you're probably like,"OMG, Edwing ditched her blog!1"
No, I didn't. I'm only gone because I'm on vacation, and this computer won't take screenshots. *sob*
Anyways, I still love you guys. But not, you know, in that way. X3
Anyways, you guys should hear from me in two days, and then I'll try my best to post. Butttt, I'm going to Hawaii 10 days after I get back, so then I'll have to leave. AGAIN.
FluffiestSlug, if you read this, could you make a post for me tomorrow? If you can't, I totally understand. ^.^

1 comment:

Hi, Jammers!
A few rules, before you decide to comment.
Pleeeease do NOT comment anything that is rude or offending, no bad language obviously, and try to make comments thoughtful.
Hopefully I don't sound too strict. ;)
Thanks for reading, and enjoy!