Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Friday, July 25, 2014

Snake Balloon Hat & Ocean Dilemma

Party is rescheduled again to sometime this weekend, merp. So sorry. >.<
Also, check out my plushie blog by clicking here: LINK
Hallo, Jammers! ^.^
Camp today was great, aside from being bitten by an "overstimulated" (I think that means she was overwhelmed) tabby. Oh well, I'm sure she didn't mean it, and I feel terrible for accidentally frightening her in the first place. (I tried to pet her, but she had other plans.)
Well anyways, today's wacky new item is in the Summer Carnival...
... is the strange, inflatable Snake Balloon Hat.
Mkay, first, that thing's tongue looks like a lollipop/bowling pin. AND, the green body looks quite like a hose that you would use to water your garden, doesn't it?
Sorry, had to. c:<
Also, am I the only one who's noticed this?
It's so nice and calm and peaceful with all of the fishies swimming around and the colorful coral! And there's no one there, so it's the perfect place to hang out with buddies when you want to spend some time together! ^.^
Wouldn't you agree that we should all bring back the ocean? This should be a thing. C:
Isn't it just a lovely, thriving place? Seriously, AJHQ should make an update that has to do with the ocean.
Welp, Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! The ocean is my favorite thing ever :3
    Also, that "snake balloon" thing is definitely a garden hose. There's no doubt about it.


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