Merry Jamaalidays! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ It's my favorite time of the year on Animal Jam. Do any of you have special plans this year?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Jamaaliday Jam.

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Hallo Again, Jammers!
So, as promised, I have decided to make a post on the Jamaaliday Jam Party, so here goes:

As you enter the party, there should be a quaint little gingerbread cart glazed with frosting to ze far right. >.>
When you click on it, here are the items:
I seem to recognize the little Pet Cupcake House... isn't there one of those at the Trading Party? O.O
So close.... yet so far.... >.<
Well, this post is for the Jamaaliday party.
So, onward...
Ugh, AJHQ... as if I need even more distractions!
Well, anyways... here are a few random screenshots of my fox exploring the party:
A candy firepit... it looks like chocolate fingers and rock candy. Either that, or toffee and taffy. :3
Is it cocoa or just simply normal chocolate?
So many delicious wafers! :3
That fox could explore and eat all day....
Eh, not you, Flora!
"Dark chocalate taste awesome."
Hehe. :3
Well, that's all for now...
Thanks for reading this off-topic post, Jammers! ^.^

1 comment:

    AJ HQ put the lit boabab and lit palm in the JJ party?!?!?!?!??!?!?!


Hi, Jammers!
A few rules, before you decide to comment.
Pleeeease do NOT comment anything that is rude or offending, no bad language obviously, and try to make comments thoughtful.
Hopefully I don't sound too strict. ;)
Thanks for reading, and enjoy!